Visits: 89583


IBdata is a web site that allows you to view the records of the National Collections sheltered by the Institute of Biology of the UNAM. Currently access is provided to the collection of the National Herbarium of Mexico (MEXU) with about 1.3 million of specimens, of which more than one million are specimens collected in Mexico. In the coming months, access will be given to the records of the other collections.

Last system update: June 2020
Last database update: January 2020

Responsive design

Operating Systems

Web browsers

Navigation level 1

100% Web

Export of data

User login



IBdata v1
Multicollection: Botánica
Multiquery: Not available
Multiinstitution: Not available
Data capture: Not available
Bulk download: Not available
Export to PDF: Not available
Export to Excel: .XLS
Server: IB-UNAM
Speed: x1 (10,000 records/sec)
Security: Not available
IBdata v2
Multicollection: Botánica + Zoological
Multiquery: Not available
Multiinstitution: Not available
Data capture: Available
Bulk download: Available (maximum 5000 records)
Export to PDF: Not available
Export to Excel: .XLS
Server: IB-UNAM
Speed: x2 (20,000 records/sec)
Security: Not available
IBdata v3 «Helia Bravo Hollis»
Multicollection: Botánica + Zoological
Multiquery: Simultaneous (Botánica + Zoological)
Multiinstitution: Available
Data capture: Available
Bulk download: Available (Unlimited records)
Export to PDF: Available
Export to Excel: .XLS / .CSV
Server: IB-UNAM / ABACo A.C.
Speed: x5 (50,000 records/sec)
Security: HTTPS
Institute of Biology
National Biological Collections

Institute of Biology

Founded in 1929, the Institute of Biology is one of the largest and most complex university dependencies dedicated to research. Its 151 members of academic staff are grouped into two departments, Botany and Zoology, the Botanical Garden and the Western Unit and the Tropical Biology Station Los Tuxtlas, the latter two located in Western Mexico and Veracruz respectively . Most of the projects carried out at the Institute are aimed at increasing our knowledge of biodiversity, with particular emphasis on the study of the composition, distribution, origins and potential uses of flora, fauna and fauna elements. the mushrooms of Mexico.

Database Login


The National Herbarium of Mexico (MEXU) holds the most important collection of Mexican plants. With more than 1,300,000 copies it is the largest herbarium in the country and Latin America; It is among one of the ten most active herbariums in the world.
This collection is an achievement of numerous generations of national and foreign botanists and explorers. Its history goes back to the end of the 19th century when the National Medical Institute emerged in 1888, as the official institution responsible for integrating knowledge about natural resources

Database Login
National Biological Collections

National Biological Collections

The National Herbarium of Mexico is one of the eleven National Biological Collections under the custody of the Institute of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, constituted by the collections of algae, bryophytes, fungi, lichens, vascular plants, including their adjoining collections (photographic archive, ethnobotany, fruits and seeds, palinoteca and xiloteca).

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The UNIBIO is the Informatics Unit for Biodiversity of the Institute of Biology and as such is responsible for systematizing and publishing on the Internet the information on biodiversity that is kept in the different biological collections from the Institute of Biology of the UNAM, besides developing systems to access and analyze it.
The mission of the UNIBIO is to create and maintain an electronic information system that automates and manages the data stored in the biological collections of the Institute of Biology, to later contribute to its analysis, creating systems of interpretation and exploitation of data based on geographic information and specialized software.

Database Login



  • Personal assistant by voice

    Voice recognition

    IBdata's personal voice assistant is now available. At the moment you can only use the Spanish and English language.

  • Photos of the IBdata presentation


    It is now possible to see the photos of the presentation of the Digitization Project of the National Biological Collections that took place on March 26, 2019 on the IBdata home page.

  • Capture reports


    System administrators can now see the reports about the captures of the specimens.

  • AbaTax

    Creation of taxonomic identification keys on the web

    AbaTax is a tool to create automated taxonomic identification keys. It allows the incorporation of images of both the character states and the organisms to be identified. The researcher introduces a small taxonomic database, including the list of taxa. AbaTax provides a dynamic identification interface that allows non-experts in the group the identification process.

  • Similmatrix

    Similarity indices and presence-absence matrix

    Similmatrix is a tool to calculate indexes of similarity between pairs of communities or taxa. The program allows you to choose the index to be used from a list of several, such as the Jaccard, Simpson or Braum-Blanquet indexes, among others. The program accepts as input a presence-absence matrix and generates a similarity matrix.

  • AbaMap

    Queries to the database through the map of Mexico

    AbaMap is a web page that allows you to consult a database through the interaction of a digital map of Mexico.

  • Jehuite Blog

    A new platform, IBdata

    IBdata is a new visualization tool for records deposited in the National Biological Collections protected by the Institute of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).